Coinciding with the Birth Anniversary of His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo, His Royal Highness Gyaltshab Jigme Dorji Wangchuck graced the inauguration of a new processing plant of the Bhutan Agro Industries Limited at Lingmithang, yesterday. Ashi Yeatso Lhamo accompanied His Royal Highness.
The Processing Plant will provide a new and ready market to farmers of six eastern districts for their fruit and vegetable produce. It will create more than 70 jobs for regular as well as casual workers.
By producing high-end food products, the new plant will help boost economic activity and bring income to the people of the east.
“Until now, farmers were challenged with finding a market to sell their farm produce. But now, with the agro-processing plant, this can be addressed. The other objective of opening the plant is to address the country’s growing unemployment issue,” said Karma Yonten, the Board Chairman for Bhutan Agro Industries Limited.
At 100 per cent capacity utilization, the plant will absorb over 1300 metric tones of raw materials worth more than Nu 55 M. The plant will manufacture fruit juices, jams, bottled water and pickles.
“Farmers have been facing problems in selling farm products despite their effort. Moreover, in this region, we do not have an auction yard. But, from now on, farmers can sell their farm products to the factory,” said Sonam Dema the Tshogpa for Tsenzabi_Masangdaza chiwog under Thang-Rong Gewog in Monggar.
“We used to face problems in selling our fruits. We had to take our harvest to the vegetable market. Now, with the plant here, things have become convenient,” added Dawa Yoezer, from Saling in Monggar.
“In our village, we can grow any variety of fruits. So, the opening of a processing plant here is good news for us. We will not have to travel to Phuentshogling to sell our fruit harvests,” said Samtenla, from the same gewog.
Construction works for the plant started in September 2017 and was completed last month. The project cost Nu 214 M.
Sonam Tshering