Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay says majority of the PDP’s 100-day pledges have been fulfilled. Lyonchhen was responding to a question on it in the National Assembly’s question hour session this morning.
Panbang MP, Dorji Wangdi, said almost 10 months have passed since the formation of the government and asked the Prime Minister to clarify on what pledges have been fulfilled and their benefits.
In response, the Prime Minister said it doesn’t necessarily mean that the 100-day pledges have to be fulfilled within 100 days after the formation of the government. He said what is clear is that the ground work has to be started within 100 days.
He informed the house that 24 pledges that are within the Lhengye Zhungtsho’s authority to accomplish have been fulfilled. And that some are already being implemented, while others are awaiting implementation.
Lyonchhen added the pledges that required approval of institutions and agencies have been submitted for approval. Lyonchhen went on to give the status, one by one, but the Deputy Speaker interrupted due to time constraint.
Meanwhile, Nubi-Tangsibji MP, Nidup Zangpo, pointed out that the ‘Meet the People’ programme of the government is a good platform for the people to meet and interact with the Prime Minister and the ministers. But, he said, it should not be held at PDP’s party office but in a different venue.
To this, the Prime Minister said when they started the programme initially they did met people in different offices. However, he said the change in venue has proved confusing to the people.