Potato is one of the main sources of income for the people of Shumar and Zobel Gewogs in Pema Gatshel. About 250 households in the two gewogs grow potatoes commercially. But the yield this year has not been very good. Farmers say their produce has been heavily damaged by the armyworm pest.
It is currently harvest time, and the farmers are busy in their potato fields.
But unlike in the past, the yield this time has been very poor. And most of the potatoes are also very small.
The farmers blame the armyworms which they say attacked the crops about a month ago.
“There is a huge difference between the yield we had last year and this year. The worms badly affected the plants in their growing stages,” said Yangzom from Chungkhar in Zobel Gewog. “We normally harvested good large potatoes.”
Cheten Dema from Gonpung in Shumar Gewog said the crops this year “have all been damaged by the armyworm. The production is not good at all. The potatoes are all very small.”
“Our potatoes would normally be large in size, but it’s very poor this time,” said Cheki from Chungkhar. “Right after we finished weeding, the worms started affecting the crops.”
The plantation of potatoes in the two places begins in January and is normally harvested in May. The farmers say the production has declined by almost two thirds.
“In the past, we would harvest almost a truckload of potatoes from this place alone. But it’s very low this season. I think we may not even have enough to keep as seeds for next season,” said Cheten Dema.
“Those who cultivate on a larger scale would harvest and sell around 70 sacks of potatoes,” said Yangzom, who was able to sell more than 60 sacks last year. “But I am doubtful if we will have even 20 bags this year.”
Meanwhile, the District Agriculture Sector said besides the armyworm infestation, the production may have declined since the farmers did not use fertilizers on their crops.
There has been a shortage of chemical fertilizers in the market for the past two years.
Thinley Dorji, Pema Gatshel
Edited by Yeshi Gyaltshen