In recent times, the lack of poultry feeds and its exorbitant price in the market has put most of the poultry farmers in the country in a difficult position. However, against all odds, the lone commercial poultry farmer of Nanong Gewog in Pema Gatshel has had a brisk business.
Karma Jamtsho, 38, never got a good education but he has outshined others in becoming a successful entrepreneur. He just studied up to class two, but today he has become an inspiration to many in the community.
“I established poultry farm thinking that it will benefit villagers and even I can earn some income from it,” said Karma Jamtsho.
With a loan of Nu 300,000, Karma began the farm in 2018. Later, the dzongkhag livestock sector helped him develop the shed and also provided pullets.
Today, he has some 800 layers and collects more than 600 eggs daily. And the market is not a problem.
“I have made an agreement with the nearby schools to supply eggs. To the nearest school, I supply some seven cartoons of eggs in a week. So, in a month, I earn about Nu 60,000 from just one school,” added Karma.
Karma is a proud entrepreneur today. He earns a monthly income of over Nu 100,000. And this is just the beginning of his entrepreneurship. Karma now plans to start a piggery.
Thinley Dorji, Pema Gatshel
Edited by Chayku