Every drop counts and now it will cost. People residing in Yenlak thromde in Sarpang will have to pay for water from next month. Sarpang tar, old Sarpang town and the new town at Sheychamthang falls in the thromde area. The municipal office is almost done with installing the water meters.
About 500 water meters have been installed.
Chimi Dema, the Dzongkhag Engineer said, “During monsoon, water pipes often get washed away leading to an insufficient water supply. Moreover, people don’t have a sense of ownership.”
They let water flow freely. Some don’t even make an effort to buy water taps. They waste water. So to make mindful use of water, we are going to collect some fees.”
But most of all, the residents hope that it will address the problem of drinking water shortage.
Sangeeta Chhetri, a resident in Sarpang Tar said, “Now that they have to pay for water, people will not be wasting water. There are leakages everywhere and water barely reach the town. Some get water in the morning and then don’t have it for the whole day.”
“If there is continuous water supply, we don’t mind paying” added Tej Bdr, another resident.
The recent Dzongkhag Tshogdu approved the municipal’s proposal to charge for drinking water. But with the perennial water problem, meters may not make a big difference.
Karma Wangdi, Sarpang
Edited by Tandin Phuntsho