Over a hundred vegetable retailers in Thimphu will cater to thousands of residents in Thimphu starting tomorrow. The Agriculture Ministry has identified a large group of vendors from the Centenary Farmers Market (CFM) who will supply vegetables during the lockdown.
Unlike the first nationwide lockdown in August this year, this time, people will get to choose vegetables and livestock products of their choice. According to the Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Rinzin Dorji, they are identifying sources from across the country.
‘‘Once the vegetables reach Thimphu, we will supply it to wholesalers. After that, about 250 identified retailers will supply it to the residents,’’ he said.
In order to make the essentials sufficient, the livestock and agriculture officers in the respective dzongkhags will supply vegetables and livestock products to wholesalers.
The facilitation and permit for transportation will be authorised by the ministry in collaboration with Thimphu Thromde. Likewise, the export and import of the agricultural produce during the lockdown will also be carried out safely.
According to the Secretary, the ministry will import if the locally produced essentials are not sufficient.
‘‘If there is any shortage within a district, we will try to facilitate from other districts,’’ the Secretary added.
Meanwhile, with the zoning system activated, the public is urged to follow COVID-19 safety and zoning protocols.
Tshering Dendup