His Majesty The King arrived back in the capital yesterday after a tour of the Eastern parts of the country.
After visiting Bumthang, His Majesty visited the eastern dzongkhags of Mongar, Lhuentse, Tashiyangtse, and Tashigang in the last few days. Besides meeting COVID-19 task force teams, His Majesty met with farmers, shopkeepers, and other members of the community to find out how the pandemic has impacted the livelihoods of the people.
His Majesty also visited the Gyalsung training centre construction site at Bongderma, a pilot hydroponic farm at ARDC Wengkhar, the Bhutan Agro processing plant at Lingmithang, Koufuku Dairy Plant at Chenary, and the Tashigang Hospital.
Accompanied by His Royal Highness the Gyaltshab, the Prime Minister, and National Council Chairperson, His Majesty also visited the Gyalpoizhing College of Information and Technology and Sherubtse College, as well as central schools in these dzongkhags.