Local leaders in Zhemgang and Bumthang are worried that slashing of the budget for the present financial year would hamper development activities in their gewogs.
Local leaders in Zhemgang are disappointed with the government slashing the budget for financial year 2014-2015 by 5 percent. The Dzongkhag had proposed for Nu.166mn but were allocated only 98mn.
At the recent Dzongkhag Tshogdu, local leaders of Zhemgang said the budget cuts would make it impossible to achieve planned activities in the gewogs.
Most of them said they would plea the government to release rest of the budget as it would delay or hamper most of their gewog activities.
Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the Dzongkhag Tshogdu pointed out that government needs to sensitize people on the issue.
The members decided to submit their resolution of the Tshogdu to the government.
It’s not just the local leaders of Zhemgang who are unhappy with the cut in the gewog budget for the current financial year. Local leaders in Bumthang are also worried that budget released would not be adequate to implement planned developmental activities.
Most of the gups said it was shocking that the budget approved was much less than the proposed budget.
Bumthang Dzongda said the cut in gewog budget is due to the country’s current economic situation.
Meanwhile, the gups said they will now have to complete developmental activities based on the available budget.