Providing and getting healthcare services in remote villages of Thangye, Mangdephu and Jongthang under Nubi Gewog in Trongsa is still a challenge. The frequent roadblocks and lack of officials in the gewogs’ Basic Health Unit (BHU) aggravate the situation.
Located in the extreme north of Trongsa, people from these far-flung villages of Thangye, ThangyePhu, Jongthang and Mandephu have to walk a day or two to avail themselves of health services. Health officials say these villages usually remain cutoff in summer.
“Especially dealing with the emergency delivery cases is a big problem in Thangye village since it is very far and there is no road access and we have to carry patients on our backs. Similarly, Mangdephu village is almost an hour walk from the road point,” Sangay, the Health Assistant of Bemji BHU, said.
While the gewog has a BHU located near to the gewog office but inadequate staffs and uneasy access for the locals are the issues.
“We have only two staff to cater the services to sixteen villages. Our BHU remains closed if one goes to attain a meeting and another goes to villages to provide services. So there is a problem for those who come to the hospital here in our absence. Therefore though it is a BHU, it will be convenient if we could have at least one additional staff,” Sangay added.
To solve the problem, the district hospital has plans to construct one Out-Reach Clinic (ORC) to provide mobile health services at Karshong for the people of Mangdephu and Jongthang villages soon. The road to Thangye would be also cleared and maintained properly within this financial year.