The government has indicated they would table the draft Right to Information (RTI) Bill during the first session of the Second Parliament, which is scheduled next month. Although the Cabinet is still discussing, the Prime Minister has already posted the Bill online including his blog for feedback and comments.
The RTI Act is expected to foster good governance by facilitating information from public authorities. The draft Bill covers all levels of government such as Executive, Legislative, Judiciary and Military as well as private bodies carrying out public functions. However, Public Authority, under the RTI, will not furnish information that would harm sovereignty, security and relations with foreign countries; and any information that concerns private and non-official affairs of the Royal family and others.
As per the Bill, public authority will need to provide information not later than 14 working days after the receipt of a request or within two days if the information reasonably appears to be necessary to safeguard the life or liberty of a person.