Vegetable vendors in Gelephu are all smiles as the long-awaited market shed is finally complete after several delays. The new facility can accommodate over a hundred vendors. The vendors will move to the new shed by next week. Laytshog Lopon Sangay Dorji and GMC Governor, Dasho Dr Lotay Tshering, recently inaugurated the newly constructed vegetable market shed.
The new market shed has been named Gelephu Bounty Market. Unlike the current practice, the imported vegetables will be placed on the ground floor while local vegetables will be sold upstairs. Fruits and vegetables will have designated sections.
“We have completed all the necessary preparations on our end, and after conducting the lucky draw for shed allocation next week, we will allow the vendors to move into their designated sheds immediately,” said Tshering Norbu, Gelephu Thrompon.
The new facility will provide much-needed protection from rain and scorching summer heat.
“Although we don’t have many complaints here in the old shed, we’re concerned about the heavy rain and the risk of robbery during the monsoon. I think the new shed would be more convenient since it offers a much cooler, spacious environment compared to here,” said Karma Dema, areca nut seller.
“Our problems will be greatly eased as it rains very heavily during the monsoon and it is very humid during the summer, so it will be much comfortable when we move to the new shed,” said Dorji Dema, a vegetable vendor.
“I would prefer the new shed because in the old one, rain would leak inside accumulating water which becomes stagnant during the monsoon. It’s been quite the problem here,” said Tshering, another areca nut seller.
“It will be convenient at the new shed but the space is quite small there we will have to adjust. In the old shed, we encounter challenges when it rains during summer,” said Kalawati Elmo Lama, another vegetable vendor.
Meanwhile, Gelephu Thompson said that due to current regulations and space constraints, businesses selling religious items, utensils, and children’s toys will not be accommodated. These vendors are encouraged to explore alternative locations for their stalls.
He added the old vegetable shed will be dismantled and is reserved for a GMC project.
“When it comes to moving, they have to do so at their convenience. From our side, to date, we have allocated space to them but from now on, we hope that they will look for private houses and move on their own. We have not yet identified any spaces for them,” said Tshering Norbu, Gelephu Thrompon.
The two-storied vegetable shed was constructed spending Nu 44 M under the Small Grants Project funded by the Government of India.
Karma Wangdi, Gelephu
Edited by Sonam Pem