A free surgery camp in Gelephu has provided life-changing medical intervention to twelve individuals. The initiative was organised to help people with deformities and complex medical conditions requiring specialised medical services but did not have access. The camp began on Monday and ended yesterday.
The reconstructive and plastic surgery team screened more than 20 patients enlisted previously.
The team operated on 12 cases.
One of the cases was an eight-year-old boy who sustained severe burn injuries on his face, neck and chest about a year ago. Despite several surgeries, the child’s neck mobility was affected leaving him unable to continue his school. He was admitted to the Gelephu Hospital for the past five months.
The parents registered their son after hearing of the reconstructive camp.
The surgery which lasted for almost 10 hours was successful.
Dr Sonam Jamtsho, a Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon said “Since he is young and his body is still growing, if this issue is prolonged, it could hamper his growth. So, in order to separate his neck and chest, with the help of microsurgical experts, we have separated his neck and chest using extra flesh from his back.”
He added that while many people are living with deformities that can be treated with reconstructive surgery, they do not avail themselves of treatment due to lack of awareness or access.
“Specialised services are rendered by experts at the JDWNRH. However, other dzongkhags don’t have these services yet. Some patients come to Thimphu, but because of the huge number of patients, it takes months and months to get a date for surgery. That’s why we came here so that we could deliver these services to the people in other districts.”
The Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery camp was carried out by an eight-member team from the National Referral Hospital. The team also plans to carry out surgery camps in other districts in the future
Karma Wangdi, Gelephu
Edited by Yeshi Gyaltshen