Sherubtse College terminated a student and suspended six students after they abused alcohol and broke the windshield of a car last week. Four shopkeepers were fined for selling alcohol illegally following a surprise raid by the Regional Trade and Industry office in Monggar.
Following the surprise check, trade officials met with the shopkeepers and requested not to sell alcohol. Sale of alcohol is banned in Kanglung since 2008. Since then, trade officials have caught and penalised 15 shopkeepers. This time, two shops were fined Nu.2,000 each, while two other shopkeepers, caught for the second time, were fined Nu.5,000 each.
Monggar’s Regional Director, said they conduct routine inspections under four Dzongkhag and two Dungkhags. “We also conduct surprise inspections as and when we received complaints from people.”
A college committee has also been formed to monitor the sale of banned items like alcohol and tobacco.
Sherubtse College’s Director, Singye Namgyal, said the committee is formed not really to create any misunderstanding in the community but rather to act as a task force which would prevent the social ills so that they can have conducive community, conducive learning. “Even if it is a very small problem, we should not let it happen.”
Students and Lecturers of Sherubtse College and the gewog administration will be the members of the committee.
The committee has been authorized to search shops to check the illegal sale of alcohol and tobacco items.