The Punastangchhu Hydropower Projects I and II are in full swing, but, at a cost. An unsealed road that leads to the Project sites sees hundreds of motorists that emit a lot of dust.
As a result, it has become common for people in the locality to catch cough and cold. But, the bigger problem is that they have lost one of their sources of income, as growing vegetables and fruits is challenging in a dusty environment.
Smokes of dust are emitted everyday on the stretch of the road between Hesuthangka and the Punatshangchhu Dam site in Wangdue Phodrang. It is public transport buses that ply on the road in addition to the project trucks and other private motorists.
A few villages lie on either side of the unsealed road, who are consequently suffering as a result of dust emissions.
Meanwhile, the Punastangchhu Hydropower Project says they are aware of the dust emissions in the area, for which they have deployed two tankers to sprinkle water along the road every day to subside the dust.
According to Project officials, the tankers sprinkle water from 9AM till 5:30 in the evening, making at least 4-5 rounds along the 4.5km unsealed road. People have also reported the matter to the environment officials of the project.