Royal Monetary Authority (RMA) Deputy Governor, Eden Dema, has been found to have tampered and manipulated invitations letters claiming Daily Subsistence Allowance which she was not entitled to. This was one of main findings of the Royal Audit Authority’s 2013 Report.
The Report has also found that Governor Daw Tenzin and Deputy Governor Eden Dema had accepted payments which they were not allowed to as per the RMA Act.
The Governor and the Deputy Governors, Eden Dema and Pushpalal, have received salaries, more than what was authorized by the government.
The Audit Report also says that the RMA failed to carry out inspection of financial institutions for three years from 2011 to 2013.
It also found deficiencies in the issuing of licenses to the fund management company known as Nubri-Capital.
Overpayment of year-end bonuses to the Corporations and some of the State-Owned Enterprises was also one of the issues pointed out in the report.
The Royal Audit Authority has submitted the Report to all agencies and those involved in corrupt practices to the Anti-Corruption Commission.