A big consignment of controlled substances was seized by the Thimphu police earlier this month. They have seized 17,674 tablets and about 7 grams of brown sugar. The officials described it as the biggest seizures this year. This is the first time since 2004 that a transaction of brown sugar has been seized.
According to the police, they were informed by a reliable source that a consignment of drugs is being sent as parcel from Phuentsholing in a passenger bus on August 3. They also received information that the person who was smuggling in the controlled substance was coming in a taxi from Phuentsholing. The officials seized the consignment and also arrested the person from the Thimphu bus terminal.
They found 2890 capsules of Relipen, 3728 capsules of Spasmoproxyvon and 3880 tablets of Nitrosun-10 inside a bag. The person was the girlfriend of the supplier, a 25-year-old man from Wangdue Phodrang. The man had also told his girlfriend to pick up the second consignment, the next day. On August 4, the team seized second consignment which had 7,176 capsules of Spasmoproxyvon and also arrested the man.
Upon frisking him, they found out 7 grams of brown sugar. Both of them are under detention and will be charged for illegal transaction of controlled substances.