Monthly Archives: December, 0

In need for a motorable bridge over Kurichhu, Tsamang Gewog in Monggar

A motorable bridge over Kurichhu has been on the priority list of the people of Tsamang Gewog in Monggar for some time now. Having one would shorter the distance between the gewog and the district headquarters. It will also connect Tsamang with the neighbouring districts of Lhuentse saving time and distance.

Y-PEER course go online

Youth Peer Education Network or Y-PEER Bhutan officially launched its courses online. It means interested young people will now have better access to learn and advocate about adolescent reproductive and sexual health and other youth-related issues. Functioning under the education ministry, Y-PEER Bhutan is the largest youth network in the country.  

Potato farming replaces rearing livestock for income, Sheley in Wangdue Phodrang

There was a time when the people of Sheley in Ruebisa Gewog of Wangdue Phodrang produced dairy products for income. Not anymore. Potatoes have now replaced the income source.

Farmers losing their livestock to wild dogs- Dangchhu in Wangdue Phodrang

Dangchhu Gewog in Wangdue Phodrang has been seeing increasing number of livestock predation by wild dogs, locally known as Phaw. In the last two months, farmers in the gewog lost 12 cattle to wild dogs attack. Eight more have been injured. Most attacks were reported in Doongdong Nyelsa-Norbooding chiwog.

For environment, Dagor people quit resin tapping

Every choice you make today is shaping your future. This couldn’t be truer for the villagers of Dagor chiwog of Shumar Gewog in Pema Gatshel. They chose not to tap resin from pine trees anymore. They have forgone one of their primary income sources for a healthier environment. 

Samtse allows games and sports with strict SOPs

All sports and games resumed in the country earlier this week. However, due to the high risk of COVID-19 transmission from the porous borders in Samtse, the District COVID-19 Task Force has put in place strict Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). The task force is also yet to allow a few indoor games and sports.

Lack of ICT facilities affect implementation of New Normal Curriculum

The education ministry’s New Normal Curriculum from this academic session has been one of the biggest reforms in ages in the education system. Using ICT infrastructure, the new curriculum aims to go beyond textbooks and classrooms, and also maintain uninterrupted teaching and learning. However, the change is not without shortcomings.

Not a single COVID-19 positive case from the community for more than three weeks- Phuentshogling

The road to recovery may be long but for the time being, the residents of Phuentshogling have a reason to heave a sigh of relief. The town did not record a COVID-19 positive case from the community for more than three weeks now. Even its isolation hospital is empty with all the patients recovered. 

Environmental-based project to provide social and economic benefits to conserve White-bellied Heron

To conserve the endangered White-bellied Heron, the Royal Society for Protection of Nature (RSPN), is implementing a large-scale project titled Developing Ecosystem-based Solutions for Managing Biodiversity Landscapes in Bhutan. It is an environmental-based project that would provide social and economic benefits to conserve the critically endangered bird and help develop community livelihood at the same time.

Shot putter Chimi Dema sets a new personal best but bows out from the Tokyo Paralympic Games

Bhutan’s female shot put athlete at the 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Games set a new personal best today. However, she failed to qualify for the next round. Positioned in a group with some of the best shot putters in the world, Chimi Dema threw a distance of a little more than five meters.
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