It’s been more than a year since the Institute of Electrical Engineering in Khuruthang, Punakha was flooded by the Punatshang Chu last year. Government has approved the Institute’s proposal to build a retention wall to protect the Institute but it is yet to be implemented.
Located along the bank of Punatshangchu the Institute is under constant threat from flash flood and Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF). The Principal, Yeshey Wangdi, remembers how the Institute was ravaged by the flood in May last year. “The whole campus was flooded. We are repeatedly threatened by such natural calamity.”
Some of the trainees recalled that their classrooms were flooded with water, sand and gravels. “It was a nightmare and took us by surprise,” Sonam Tshering, a trainee, recollects.
Another trainee, Tenzin Phuntsho, said they have to worry a lot whenever there is heavy downpour. “Last year we had to spend our night at Khuruthang Middle Secondary School.”
Knowing the severity of the problem the school authority with support from the Department of Disaster Management is planning to construct a retention wall.
“We have put up a proposal to the government to build a protection wall. It was approved last year itself. We have awarded the contract for designing the protection wall but we could not begin work because we have to follow the design,” said the Principal, adding that they plan to start the work by September this year.
But should there be a GLOF, the Principal said it may not be able to protect the Institute. The Department of Disaster Management has plans to set up an early flood warning system above khuruthang town.
Meanwhile the department has trained the trainees on safety measures in case of a disaster.