Speaking to the people of Lower Kheng in Trong under Zhemgang, the Opposition Leader, Dr. Pema Gyamtsho said His Majesty the King has commanded that the members of the political parties clarify the rumours.
According to the OL, His Majesty has said “some people in some of the places still talk about the DPT or the opposition party being disliked by the King”. “His Majesty the King said he does not differentiate between the political parties,” Dr.Pema Gyamtsho said.
The Opposition Leader told the gathering that His Majesty said he is the King and the head of the state and he does not have to interfere with the political parties.
“Even though we informed the public through media, some people are still not aware of it. You should never doubt this. The King is everything to us…”
The Opposition Leader urged the gathering to refrain from spreading and being part of rumours which could cause a rift in the community.
Dr. Pema Gyamtsho finished his tour in the East and now is in Zhemgang to review the implementation of policies and planned activities.