Uneducated vocational skills workers including carpenters, masons and plumbers in Sarpang are sitting for an exam, which will test their respective skills. A host of new incentives and benefits await those passing the exam.
The labour ministry who is conducting the examination, will be awarding certificates to those qualifying the exam. The certificate is expected to help workers upgrade their post, they will also receive pension and other benefits from the government.
Karma Wangdi, one of the worker at the national housing development corporation, who earns Nu 7,000 a month said, they did not earn more than the minimum wage, so they are forced to take up part time jobs elsewhere.
He said, he was hopeful that he would pass the test. He said, the certificate would help him in terms of more salary.
NHDC officials said there is a possibility to get monetary benefits if they pass the exam. If successful, it is expected to help workers across the country. Today they are not regular employees except for those working in hydropower projects.