The discussion in the parliament’s joint sitting took a humourous turn when the Speaker, Jigme Zangpo had to resort to colloquial Dzongkha to send a message across to Chhumig-Ura MP, Tshewang Jurmi, to be seated.
The amusing twist came about amidst discussions on Paro’s Yenlag Thromde in the parliament, today.
To decide on Paro’s Yenlag Thromde, the Speaker had placed two options before the MPs, if the 3/4th majority should be based on total number of MPs which is 72. The other choice was to base the majority on the total number of MPs present in house, which was 69.
When MP Tshewang Jurmi had stood up to speak, the Speaker had interrupted him saying the MP can speak only to show his support to the other MPs, who spoke before him, saying they should go with 3/4th majority of the total number which is 72.
“I have other recommendations,” said MP Tshewang Jurmi.
“Zhu,” said the Speaker. He meant please be seated in formal Dzongkha.
MP Tshewang Jurmi continued to speak misunderstanding that the Speaker meant “speak”.
Tshogpon said “zhu” again. But the MP continued to speak. That’s when the Speaker had to use colloquial Dzongkha, “ma dey” to make his point, much to the amusement of the other Members of the Parliament.