The first annual bilateral consultation between Bhutan and Sri Lanka was held on Monday in Sri Lanka’s capital, Colombo. Foreign Secretary, Tshering Dorji had led the Bhutanese delegation and the Sri Lankan delegation was led by Sri Lanka’s Foreign Secretary, Chitranganee Wagiswara.
A press release from the foreign ministry says the consultation covered a wide range of issues ranging from political relations, to trade and investment, among others.
The delegations noted the increasing political interactions between the two countries.
The delegation also felt the need to deepen cooperation in education and human resource development.
It was agreed that more opportunities would be provided for Bhutanese to pursue higher studies and trainings at universities and institutions in Sri Lanka.
The release says the two sides emphasized upon the importance of SAARC, BIMSTEC, and other regional organizations. Both countries are members of these institutions.
Interactions among the agencies such as national parliaments, educational institutions and chambers of commerce were also felt necessary.
The next consultation will be held in Thimphu in 2016.