Hope of seeing those trapped under the landslide, at Mangdechhu Hydroelectric Project dam site in Trongsa, alive is dimming. Five workers are feared trapped under the rubble from the landslide that occurred at 11 AM, today.
They were de-watering the dam pit at the time of the incident. The workers are said to be from the neighbouring border districts of India. Their friends say the trapped workers are between the ages of 20-55.
Our reporter in Trongsa, Surjaman Thapa says the rescue effort may not complete today.
Regret to inform that a land slide occurred at the Mangdechhu Hydropower Project site at 11 this morning.
— Tshering Tobgay (@tsheringtobgay) August 14, 2015
“Dam structure area is intact,” Prime Minister, Tshering Tobgay tweeted. “But five workers feared buried under the muck at the dam pit. Rescue efforts by DDM and Dzongkhag teams underway.”
The rescue effort was stalled because of falling boulders from the hill above the site. An excavator was deployed to start clearing the upper part of the landslide.
Only after a couple of hours , the workers from Mangdechhu could join the rescue effort.
Our sources say at least eight other workers sustained minor injuries.
An excavator is also trapped along with the workers.