The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) received highest corruption complaints from the local governance level, their quarterly report say. Of the 70 complaints ACC received between October and December last year, 19 were from the local governments.
It was followed by the complaints from non-government and private organisations. The third highest complaints received were from the corporations.
The maximum complaints were on abuse of function with 44.29 percent and embezzlement with 22.86 percent. Only two bribery complaints of 1.43 percent were received during the period. Other complaints with 30 percent were not related to corruption.
The highest number of complaints on the area of corruption was on resources with 30 percent. The report says “resources” was a vulnerable area for abuse, which took place in the form of embezzlement. After resources, the second highest complaints were on land with 25.71 percent.
However, there was good indication of people’s trust and confidence in ACC’s complaint management system as the Commission received more known complaints with 68.57 percent than the unknown complaints with 27.14 percent.
In case of Dzongkhags, Thimphu Dzongkhag received the highest number of complaints with 28.57 percent. Paro Dzongkhag received the second highest complaints with 10 percent.
The Commission did not receive any complaints from Bumthang, Zhemgang, Gasa and Haa Dzongkhags.