Bumthang is a hot spot for the tourists. The hotels and resorts in Chamkhar thrive on the hundreds and thousands of tourists who visit the Dzongkhag during the peak season. This time, however, business has been good even during the lean months. Thanks to the constant stream of Thai tourist pouring into the Dzongkhag.
There are more than 40 hotels and resorts in Chamkhar. Thai tourists visiting the country under the Bhutan-Thailand Friendship offer is keeping them busy. The Bhutan Thailand Friendship Offer is an initiative of the Tourism Council of Bhutan to promote tourism during lean tourist months. So far about 200 Thai tourists have visited Bumthang.
Bumthang sees the highest number of tourists in the month of October every year.
Hoteliers and resort owners say the number of tourists visiting Bumthang has been on a steady rise. They added promotion of tourism during off season makes business prospects even better.