The irregularities in the 10 ministries have decreased by 33.13 percent as compared to 2012, according to Annual Audit Report 2013, which was discussed in the joint sitting of the Parliament, yesterday. The irregularities in 2012 amounted to about Nu. 391 MN.
The present report also states that the unsettled account from the previous year amounts to Nu. 261.464 MN.
Many Parliamentarians said the concerned agencies have failed to take actions against unsolved irregularities despite resolutions by the Parliament. Nu. 151.214 MN was recovered by the Royal Audit Authority.
From the 10 ministries, Ministry of Works and Human Settlement has the highest irregularities with Nu. 31.095 MN followed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs with Nu. Nu. 22.151 MN.
Under the Non-Budgetary Agencies, the State Trading Corporation of Bhutan Limited has the largest amount of reported irregularities of Nu. 72.100 MN followed by Dungsam Cement Corporation Limited with Nu. 14.805 MN.
Nu. 3.054 MN was reported misused under fraud, corruption and embezzlement.
The discussion will carry through to the winter session of the Parliament, decided the Members of the Parliament.