The recent Heath Screening and Testing Camp held in Trongsa detected six new HIV positive cases and a staggering 114 Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) cases. More than 2,700 people, mostly foreign workers, had come for the test at the Mangdechhu Hydrpower Project.
Of the six HIV positive cases detected, three are locals and the others, foreign workers at the Mangdechhu Hydropower Project. The blood samples of the six people will be sent to Thimphu for further tests to confirm the results. From the 114 STI cases, 55 have hepatitis B and 59, Syphilis.
The Trongsa Dzongda, Tshewang Rinzin, said the numbers are alarming and a cause for worry. “…My question is, were they really tested in the border towns?”
He also said Trongsa has only about 13,000 people and to detect about 140 STI cases, that too just during one screening, is alarming. “Double it up and it will be over 180 with partners and if there is multi-partners the number is going to be even bigger.”
The Dzongkhag Health Officer of Trongsa, Gunja Rai Gurung, said when there is an increase in the number of population, there is a high mobility among the workers and such an increase in the number of diseases is expected. “Anyone with positive cases should not be sent back. They should be treated.”
The Heath Screening and Testing Camp also found out that social stigma attached to sexually transmitted infections is the main reason why people fear to come forward for the test. Some workers think they might lose their job if detected positive.
Once all the results are distributed, the health officials will start follow-up treatment, including counseling.