Locally made bio-degradable plates and cups from dry sheaths of betel nut trees will hit the market tomorrow. In fact, one of the hotels in Gelegphu has already placed an order with this new venture started by Chhuzanggang Agricultural Farmers’ Cooperative and SNV.
These products could, in a couple of months, replace ubiquitous paper plates and plastic cups in the country and be an answer to the ever-increasing waste problem is different dzonkhags. The plates will find its way to Thimphu market from next week.
The plates are made from cleaned and dried sheaths of betel nut trees which are pressed in the moulds of various sizes and designs.
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There are three machines and a handful of women have been trained to use the machine. About 600 plates can be made in a day.
The SNV’s Representative, Rik Van Keulen, said while this is a promising venture there should be proper implementation of market strategy like maintaining quality, reliability and price.
“If we want to earn more money, instead of increasing the price and chasing away the buyers, we should look at the volume, see if we can produce more and find more buyers from different directions, and then CAFCO can earn more money. So we should not forget quality, reliability and price”
The project is also expected to benefit Sherzong, Umling and Taraythang, which have large areas of betel nut plantation.