Several international development partners have expressed that they will increase their assistance significantly over the next few years. The announcement came, during a press conference, right after the 12th Round Table Meeting.
The UN Assistant Secretary General and the UNDP Assistant Administrator, Haoliang Xu, said some of the development partners have distinctly mentioned to increase their support extensively over the next few years. He also said many of them are expressing commitment for the long term support.
Haoliang Xu said Bhutan is on its way to be model on how to achieve Millennium Development Goals. He, however, stressed that the country’s economy has to be diversified. “…Bhutan’s economy is still small and it is heavily dependent on just one sector.” He said Bhutanese economy should include more growth of private sector participation focusing on quality and high improved activities.
The Foreign Minister, Rinzin Dorje, who chaired the meeting, said the government is extremely satisfied with the outcome of the meeting. “We were encouraged by the affirmation of support and cooperation by the executive of our development partners.”
The two-day Round Table meeting focused on enhancing cooperation between the government and its development partners. Its purpose was to look at how aid can be used to meet the national goals and strengthen socio-economic development in Bhutan.
The first RTM was held in 1980s.