The 12th Round Table Meeting (RTM) began at the convention centre in Thimphu, today. Bhutan, the United Nations Development Programme, and other development partners are attending the meeting. The meeting is chaired by the Foreign Minister, Rinzin Dorje.
The two-day meeting will discuss how to enhance cooperation between the government and its development partners. They will also look at how aid can be used to meet the national goals and strengthen socio-economic development in Bhutan.
A release from the Gross National Happiness Commission states that it will be an opportunity for the government to present the 11th Five Year Plan.
One of the main aims of the current plan is to ensure better alignment of international development assistance with the national priorities for improved aid-effectiveness.
The meeting will also discuss the current plan’s challenges and priorities.
The first RTM for Bhutan was held in the early 1980s.