The International Day for the Elimination of violence against Women was observed at the Royal Institute for Governance and Strategic Studies (RIGSS) in Phuentshogling, today. The President and founder of Respect, Educate, Nurture and Empower Women (RENEW), Her Majesty Gyalyum, Azhi Sangay Choden Wangchuck, graced the ceremony.
As part of the ceremony, the state of the world population report 2013 was also launched.
Speaking at the ceremony, the UN Resident Representative, Christiana Caarlson, pointed out that violence against women and children has become a global concern due to its immense human, social and economic costs, which destroys families, the community and the society at large.
She called forth for a collective effort, both locally and internationally, to address the issue.
The Works and Human Settlement Minister, Dorji Choden, in her address said observing such day is a reminder to the world to commit, act and demand for stopping all kinds of violence against women and girls.
Representatives from the UN offices, senior government and corporate officials and RENEW volunteers took part in the event.
Meanwhile, Her Majesty the Gyalyum also met with the RENEW volunteers and Phuentshogling Multi Sectoral Task Force yesterday. They presented their work reports and plans to Her Majesty. Later, through informal discussion, they shared concerns and problems in combating HIV/AIDS in the region.