During the monsoon, the road at Rothpashong on the Monggar-Lhuentse national sub-highway is usually blocked by landslides. The government spends about Nu. 2.5 million every year to clear the frequent road blocks at the site.
Located about 25 kilometres from Monggar towards Lhuentse, Rothpashong is prone to landslides during rainy season. The Works and Human Settlement Minister, Dorji Choden, who visited the site, recently said the land is unstable.
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“This road has been in existence for over 30 years, and this area has continuously given problems.” Lyonpo Dorji Choden said many experts; including geological engineers from their department have done geological studies. “They also came up with number of solutions but these solutions are not easy solutions. They cost lot of money.” She also said since the area is unstable, they are not sure if the solutions will solve the problem.
But efforts will continue, according to the minister.