To promote traditional handmade paper in country, a memorandum of understanding, MoU was signed between the Ministry of Economic Affairs and JICA Bhutan in the capital this afternoon. It aims to build human capacity development in order to boost the productivity of the local handmade paper.
It was signed by the Joint Secretary of the Economic Affairs Ministry Sonam P. Wangdi, and the Chief Representative of JICA Bhutan, Yumiko Asakuma.
The ministry also has plans to bring about 10 experts from Hamada City, Japan, to train the local manufacturers. During the three years’ course, the trainees will also get opportunity to travel to Japan for field studies.
Earlier, 14 experts from Hamada visited Bhutan to train 17 local manufacturers.
The project will be implemented from this month, and end by March 2016. The project cost is US Dollar 195,000.
Currently, there are 17 registered traditional paper factories in the country.