Druk Phuensum Tshogpa (DPT) is not engaged in a tussle with the People’s Democratic Party to rope in candidates from Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa clarified DPT’s President, Jigmi Y.Thinley, in a press conference, yesterday.
“I want to make it categorically clear that Druk Phuensum Tshogpa is not engaged in any such competition. We have 47 candidates in 47 constituencies. Each one has been selected of his or her merit and the capacity to contribute to the Nation as members if elected to the National assembly. We have no plans to replace any of them.”
Also, responding to the questions raised by the media, the DPT president said he has no reliable information on whether Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa and PDP are in discussion to merge as reported in media. However, the DPT president said his party is not in the favor of party mergers or swapping of candidates.
“As far as DPT is concerned we have made it clear that we are opposed to any kind of mergers and horse trading that would possibly compromise some of the constitutional provisions and the constitutional intents including among others the reasons why there can be no more than two parties involved in the governance and in opposition.”
DPT’s Vice President for political affairs Dr. Pema Gyamtsho added that if the parties are to merge and candidates to join other parties after the primary round, the purpose of conducting primary elections is questionable.
“The whole screening purpose, the parties to be eligible to participate in the primary round, there are serious questions that you also need to examine whether the purpose of screening has been served and that it is done in a way that would guarantee the participation of parties that are serious.”