Dasho Dr.Sonam Kinga, the former NC member, and also the lone candidate from Trashigang managed 11,219 yes votes securing a seat in the National Council. He managed 7826 yes votes through EVMs and 3393 votes through postal ballot. Two thousand six hundred and twenty voted no through EVMs and 75 through postal ballot.
He was nominated from ShongphuGewog. After the 2008 elections, Dr.Sonam Kinga, served as the Deputy Chairperson of the National Council. He also served as the Chairperson of the House Committee and Good Governance Committee.
His Majesty the King also awarded, Dr.SonamKinga the Red Scarf while he was serving as the National Council Representative.
Before contesting in 2008 elections, Dasho Dr.Sonam Kinga, was the editor of Bhutan Observer. He also worked as the Senior Programme Officer, in Save the Children, and as a Research Officer, for Centre for Bhutan Studies. He was also a Publication Officer with CAPSD under the Ministry of Education. Dasho Dr.Sonam Kinga has Ph. D in Area Studies, Kyoto University, Japan. He has Masters in Area Studies from Kyoto University, Japan.
Dr. Sonam Kinga also has a diploma from Lestor B. Pearson College, Canada. He graduated from Sherubtse College with English Honours.