The construction of the Khuruthang Concrete Bridge in Punakha is progressing well, with over sixty per cent of the construction completed. However, the Department of Surface Transport said lack of public cooperation could cause delays. People continue to transport overweight loads across the old bridge, increasing the risk of collapse, and further slowing progress. The existing single-lane Bailey bridge is not only used by the public but also plays a key role in the construction of the new bridge.
A new 100-meter bridge is under construction over the Punatsangchu near the existing Bailey bridge. Built in 2003, the single-lane old bridge is used by the public and for the construction of the new bridge.
Despite warnings and monitoring, people continue transporting overweight loads across the old bridge. Originally designed for 24 metric tonnes, its load limit was reduced to 18 metric tonnes in July 2023 due to its deteriorating condition.
Project officials said there is a high risk of collapse, which could disrupt public transport and delay construction. Additionally, traffic congestion near the bridge foundation further slows progress as one side of the bridge foundation is on the road to Shengana.
“We have been maintaining this existing bridge but if it collapses, it will not only affect the public but also disrupt our project. We urge the public and drivers to cooperate with us as their support will help us complete the work on time,” said Choeda Jamtsho, project manager at the Department of Surface Transport Regional Office, Lobesa.
The foundation of the bridge is complete, and work has begun on the main structure.
Meanwhile, river training work is underway to protect the bridge foundation, especially with the monsoon approaching. The remaining tasks include completing the main girder and building approach roads on both sides.
“According to our contract timeline, the completion date is set for September this year. Therefore, we are planning to complete the construction within this period,” said Choeda Jamtsho, project manager at the Department of Surface Transport Regional Office, Lobesa.
The construction of the new concrete bridge began in early 2023. The bridge is being constructed spending Nu 230 M funded by the government of India.
Once complete, the new double-lane bridge will connect Khuruthang to the Bajo Secondary National Highway and nearby villages. The new bridge will have a separate pedestrian footpath.
Changa Dorji, Punakha
Edited by Sonam Pem