Good road connectivity is a boon for farmers, but the lack of it can be detrimental. This is the situation facing the people of Jangwakha-Sewla in Punakha. Over a decade and a half ago, a farm road was cleared bringing benefits to the farmers in the Chiwog. Many took up commercial vegetable farming, with some even expanding their businesses. Today, however, the road’s condition has deteriorated, negatively affecting the livelihoods of the farmers.
Farmers of Jangwakha-Sewla Chiwog in Chhubu Gewog have been growing vegetables on a commercial scale since the construction of the 17-kilometre farm road in 2008.
They expanded the business in 2021 after the farm road was improved with the laying of the granular sub-base or GSB.
The Chiwog is one of the highest producers of vegetables in Punakha.
However, today, the road is in poor condition with many potholes and uneven surfaces.
Besides the farmers, the road is also used by the visitors to Sewla Monastery.
Damcho Wangdi, a resident said “Heavy vehicles are damaging this road. Vehicles transporting sand, stones and edible items for the monks use this road. The road condition has worsened again.”
Damcho Dem, another resident said “Due to the poor road conditions, it is difficult for light vehicles to travel. When we hire taxis, they charge us more. Improving the road condition will benefit us. Additionally, it would even become easier for us to hire a vehicle.”
Sangay Dorji, who is also a resident said “Due to the poor road condition, we are facing difficulty. It is difficult for us to transport goods.”
Meanwhile, the Gewog Administration has a budget to carry out maintenance works on only about half of the road stretch.
According to the Chhubu Gup, the tender has been floated for the blacktopping work of six kilometres.
Chhubu Gup Jimba Gyeltshen said “We have received Nu 20 M from the Government of India through the Small Development Programme. Based on the survey, this amount will be sufficient to blacktop only around six kilometres of road. The blacktopping work will begin soon, within this financial year.”
He added that the remaining portion of the road would be blacktopped in the future.
The Gup said they will request the government for the funds.
Changa Dorji, Punakha
Edited by Tshering Zam