Amidst the growing popularity of mountain biking in the country, a group of women are taking it a step further. They are breaking barriers in the world of mountain biking by training to become certified mountain bike guides. Participants say it is empowering to pursue such a role in a largely male-dominated field.
The group of four women are undergoing an intensive training programme and learning skills needed to become professional biking guides.
The women who are practising their biking skills today started their training in November of last year.
Their training includes mastering trail navigation, bike maintenance and safety protocols.
With support from a local travel company called Bhutan Rides, they were able to secure the training from World Ride, a non-profit organisation that provides access to mountain bike equipment and skills training for women.
Khusala Chhetri, a trainee said “From World Ride, Julie and everyone arrived and Julie was our trainer who taught us how to handle the bikes in the mountains when we are going for the mountain biking.”
Dawa Zangmo, another trainee said “I also feel that it is a good opportunity for tourism development. Once the equipment get better, when everything gets good, I think we will automatically generate a number of tourist who are interested in mountain biking. ”
But amidst the excitement of learning new skills and pursuing a unique career, they shared of challenges they see to their beloved sport.
Tshering Zangmo, a trainee said “We don’t have a proper trail for mountain biking. The trails we have are not maintained, and because of that we have some problems with the trail, so I think there should be trail development or maintenance. the second one is there is no proper (training) centre for mountain bikers.”
Tshering Denkar, who is also a trainee said “I have seen women riding bikes on the roadside but I have never seen women riding off-road. So, I want to train myself first and then I want to encourage other women to ride off-road. ”
The Department of Tourism says there are currently there are no certified Mountain Bike guides as such, although certified tourist guides are allowed to take their guests on bike trips.
Meanwhile, for these women, the bike training is only the first phase of their plans. They will also have to undergo a guide training course before they can begin their journey as mountain bike guides.
Once ready, they not only intend to go on bike tours but also want to inspire other women to the sport.
Namgay Wangdi
Edited by Yeshi Gyaltshen