Of the total expenditure of almost Nu 90bn for the 2024-2025 financial year, the education sector receives the highest priority with an allocation of over Nu 21bn. This includes over Nu 12bn for current expenditure and over nine billion for capital expenditure.
Education sector is set to see some major capital investments in the financial year 2024-2025. With the sector getting highest budget allocation, Nu 2bn will be used to upgrade facilities in 20 central schools. Over Nu 230 M will be spent in teachers’ professional development. Major investment of almost Nu 95 M will be used for the rehabilitation of Kelki School in Yonphula.
Meanwhile, over Nu 11bn has been allocated to the health sector, of which over one and a half billion will be used for purchasing medical equipment.
Nu 300 M has been set aside for the construction of a Mother and Child Hospital in Monggar.
Over Nu 200 M will be spent in procuring about 30 ambulances.
Additionally, the Renewable Natural Resources sector has been allocated over Nu 10bn to boost the contribution of the agriculture and livestock sector to the GDP.
Two commercial farms will be developed in the next financial year at a cost of over Nu 300 M.
Similarly, over Nu 180 M will be spend to implement million fruit tree plantation programme.
Another significant allocation is for the transport sector at almost Nu 6bn. Over Nu 1bn will be used to improve district roads while over Nu 550 M and almost Nu 400 M will be used to improve secondary and primary national highways respectively.
The communication and technology sector has been allocated over Nu 2.5bn.
A major project in the next financial year in this sector, costing over Nu 300 M, is to develop the Bhutan Integrated Taxation System.
Another Nu 200 M will be used for the Rural Communication Project phase VII.
Meanwhile, for mining and manufacturing industries sector, the almost Nu 4bn allocated budget will be used for the development of Norbugang Industrial Park in Samtse, construction of Gelephu, Pasakha, and Nganglam dry ports. Additionally, the bulk of almost two billion allocated for the energy sector will be used for the construction and installation of Sephu solar project.
Deki Lhazom
Edited by Sherub Dorji