The persistent unemployment issue, particularly youth unemployment has been a growing concern in the country. However, a recent research by one of the employment officers in the country sheds light on a potential solution. The research emphasises the importance of encouraging school-to-work transition programmes to bridge the skills gap in the job market.
Phurba Sonam Waiba, an employment officer with the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Employment, based his findings and learnings from the 10th, 11th and 12th Five-Year-Plans.
Currently under review, the research recommends implementing the 3Ps framework – Prepare, Promote and Place as a comprehensive approach to addressing unemployment.
“The 3P model can systematically address youth unemployment issues. This model includes Prepare, Promote and Place. If we look at the current situation, we are more concentrated and the work and initiatives are mostly visible in terms of the last P, placement of job seekers. The very activities that we include in preparation and promotion of job seekers are equally important.”
He also suggested introducing school-to-work transition programmes, including apprenticeships, industry-based learning programmes and internships.
He added that these programmes would play a vital role in addressing unemployment. According to the National Statistical Bureau, the current unemployment rate in the country stands at 5.9 per cent with the youth unemployment rate at 28.6 per cent.
Tashi Yangden
Edited by Sonam Pem