Within three weeks the Gelegphu Central Regional Referral Hospital saw 120 people come for anti-rabies vaccination. Last month nine cows died after they were bitten by rabid dogs in lower Pelrithang, Umling and Serzhong. Another three suffering from rabies have been tied-up for fear of harming people. The two rabid dogs were killed. People in the area have consumed dairy products of the cattle suffering from rabies.
“The livestock officer told us to get injected but the health officials say we have consumed boiled milk so the injection is not required.
“We are about ten people who are in doubt, some have drunk milk, and some have consumed cheese and butter. So we are doubtful but when we go to the hospital we are told that we need not get vaccinated for consuming dairy products if we are not bitten by rabid dog,” said Pelden, Tshogpa of Serzhong Gewog.
The medical superintendent in Gelegphu said rabies has become common in the Dzongkhag.
He said to prevent the disease from spreading to people, dairy products from the affected area should be avoided. In case, people happen to consume, it has to be properly boiled and cooked. Meanwhile, the officials of the animal husbandry and the Gewog administration said they are creating awareness on how to prevent the disease.