It’s winter season and all schools are closed leaving children with a lot of leisure time. But making sure children spend their time meaningfully is a concern shared by all parents and guardians. One way children are kept meaningfully engaged is through winter camps such as the one organized in Gelephu. The camp which ended on Friday introduced children to various educational programmes while keeping it fun and engaging.
The children performed different skits based on current youth issues like bullying, addiction and discrimination on the last day.
The 10-day camp involved a series of activities such as leadership training, dance sessions, sports activities and art and craft classes.
“I learned about environmental conservation and climate change. I also got to mingle with friends who came from other dzongkhags. I could showcase my talents to my friends,” said Chundu Zangmo, a participant.
Another participant, Phuntsho Thaye, says having attended the camp, he is now “more confident and bold in my opinion, self-aware and assured”.
“I have learned what the different colours signify and how we should make friends,” said Yanggeyser.
40 children between the ages of 10 and 18 took part in the camp. The programme is organized annually by the Youth Development Fund.
Karma Wangdi, Sarpang
Edited by Yeshi Gyaltshen