It will be a matter of a few months before Sarpang will start seeing fewer rabies cases and a reduced stray-dog population. Currently, the final phase of the sterilization programme is ongoing for the pet dogs and free-roaming dogs in the district. Officials will sterilize about 150 free-roaming dogs in more than a week.
The programme is carried out by two groups. One group is in Gelephu spread across the Mao river while the other one is in Sarpang. The team in Sarpang will sterilize some 70 dogs.
Dr Gyembo from Thromde Veterinary Hospital & Satellite Laboratory, Gelephu said they have sterilized around 31 dogs so far.
Some of the residents said although the pet dogs were sterilized previously, they didn’t have an ear notch. Some pet owners didn’t turn up for the programme during the first two phases. In addition, the team missed some free-roaming dogs as well since it was challenging for the Desuups to catch them.
“I feel it is important to vaccinate the pet dogs. While playing with the dogs, sometimes we get minor cuts which are risky,” said Rinzin, a resident.
“In the first and second phase, some pet owners refused to sterilize and vaccinate their pet dogs,” said Jigme, Singye Gup.
“We are not able to catch the dogs. It is difficult as dogs run away when they see a Desuup but we are trying our best,” said Gom Raj Ghalley, a Desuup.
As part of the Nationwide Accelerated Dog Population Management and Rabies control programme, Sarpang district neutered and vaccinated more than 2300 dogs this year.
Karma Wangdi, Sarpang
Edited by Tshering Zam