For years, some 40 households of Drubchhugang chiwog at Tsholingkhar Gewog in Tsirang have been struggling to get reliable drinking water. Residents say the present water source is not enough with the increasing population in the chiwog. The current water source is two decades old.
Tsirang has been receiving incessant rainfall in the past few days. And as a result, in Drubchhugang chiwog, the volume of water at the source has increased drastically.
Despite this, the residents are still facing a drinking water shortage. According to the residents, some people have connected the pipes directly with the main pipelines because of which the water supply to the reservoir which is located in the middle of the chiwog, decreases.
The water from the source is stored in the reservoir and then supplied twice a day. The residents store the water in containers. But they say it is not enough for their daily chores.
“It has been so long without drinking water in my house. And it is very difficult. We don’t even have adequate water for cooking. I wash my clothes from a small spring nearby,” said Tashi Lhamo, a resident.
“I store water in a container but it is not enough. Moreover, the water is not very clean and safe for drinking purposes,” said Sonam Tshering, another resident.
Some even store rainwater for washing and feeding animals. Residents say if there is an adequate water supply, it will also help them in growing vegetables.
The chiwog Tshogpa said that constructing a reservoir just below the water source would solve the water crisis, as the residents will not be able to connect the pipes directly with the main pipeline.
“As requested by residents, I consulted with relevant agencies to replace the existing pipes with a bigger ones. But I am told that water cannot pass through bigger pipes when the water volume decreases during the dry season,” said Drubchhugang Chiwog Tshogpa, Krishna Lal Dhakal.
“Today without a reservoir, some households have drawn water supply directly from the main line and that has also caused the water shortage for those settlements in the lower areas,” he continued.
For now, the residents will have to continue with the struggle until the chiwog gets a new drinking water project or contributes to constructing a reservoir near the source.
Pema Tshewang, Tsirang
Edited by Tshering Zam