People in Chhuzom Gewog in Sarpang are unhappy with the slow progress of the blacktopping works of the 46-kilometre GC road. The blacktopping work that began early last year was supposed to complete in May this year. Considered one of the most remote gewogs, people usually remain cut off from the rest of the districts during monsoon due to bad road conditions.
The blacktopping of the Chhuzom GC road was awarded on a package system to three contractors. Of the 46 kilometres, only 11 kilometres have been blacktopped so far. People claimed that the two other contractors are yet to blacktop the remaining stretch.
“We received complaints from the people about not being able to travel along the GC road even on four-wheelers. They complained of getting stuck in the middle of the road and walking home on foot. Accordingly, we wrote to the dzongkhag administration several times and even talked with the contractors and site engineers. But still, there has been no progress,” said Chhuzom Gup, Bishnu Prasad Rai.
“One of the contractors has completed his work. But two have done nothing. It’s difficult when people here get sick and we don’t have access to a good road condition,” said Bakti Ram Humagai, one of the residents from the gewog.
“The dzongkhag administration should also consider and assess the work ethics and backgrounds of the contractors while awarding the contract work instead of only looking at low bidders. And accordingly, award the work as per their capacity for the well-being of the community,” said Nandalal Achariaya, another resident.
The Dzongkhag Engineer at the site said that contractors could not bring the construction materials on time due to prolonged lockdowns which hampered the work progress.
However, the contractors have been given an extension till next month. But they are worried about the monsoon hampering the blacktopping works.
The Nu 225 M worth of blacktopping works also include drainage and wall construction.
Karma Wangdi, Sarpang
Edited by Sonam Pem