All entertainment centres except drayangs will be allowed to re-open beginning today in low risks areas. A news release from the Prime Minister ‘s Office said cinema halls, karaoke venues, discotheques, pubs, snooker, LIVE music and nightclubs can now open till 10 PM.
The cinema halls are allowed to re-open with 50 per cent capacity, the rest will be allowed to accommodate a maximum of 50 people at a given time. The owners and organizers will have to ensure that the visitors use the Druk Trace App to monitor and limit attendance.
Those wishing to accommodate more than 50 heads will have to seek an individual’s antigen test result with a week’s validity. Gatherings will also be allowed with a maximum attendance of 50 individuals.
According to the Prime Minister’s office, the centres will be monitored and severe penalties will be imposed on those not adhering to the notification.
Meanwhile, the government will issue a separate notification regarding the re-opening of drayangs.
However, the relaxations do not apply to the residents of high-risk areas in the south. Only gatherings with a maximum attendance of 25 people will be allowed in these bordering areas.
The news release also states that the seven-day mandatory quarantine will remain in effect for the individuals travelling from high-risk to low-risk areas.
The owners of entertainment centres suffered major economic loss as the pandemic forced them to shut down their businesses for more than a year.
Phub Gyem