People of Zhemgang and nearby villages of Trongsa need not have to travel all the way to Tingtibi or Gelephu hospital when the construction of a new grade 1 Basic Health Unit, BHU, is complete. At the moment, the existing BHU refers all serious cases to Gelephu and Tingitbi hospitals.
It is expected to be ready by early 2013. Once complete, the new hospital will be equipped with a ten-bed ward. The hospital will also be provided with a doctor and staff quarters.
District Health Officer, Karchung said the BHU is being constructed with modern designs and facilities with an aim to improve medical services.
“We have been facing problem with existing BHU. It doesn’t have the capacity to treat people with serious illnesses. The new hospital will immensely benefit us,” says Sonam Dorji, a resident of Zhemgang.
“The new BHU will save us a lot of trouble,” says Lhajayla.
The existing BHU has limited facilities. With only three beds in its ward, it has been a challenging for the BHU to meet the demands of the increasing number of patients.
The construction of the new BHU is being carried out under the Small Development Project, funded by the government of India.