Every year, Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital (JDWNRH) in Thimphu is seeing an increasing number of pregnant women choosing epidural labour analgesia service. It is an injection used to relieve pain during childbirth. The hospital introduced the service five years ago.
According to the JDWNRH, over 50 pregnant women received the epidural service in 2016. However, the number of pregnant women availing themselves of the service has increased over the years.
Last year, 160 women opted for the service.
Moreover, with the new epidural ward at the Gyaltsuen Jetsun Pema Mother and Child Hospital, the demand for the epidural service is expected to rise.
Anesthesiologists from the hospital said there was a shortage of anesthesiologists before. However, with eight anesthesiologists now, the service is provided without much hindrance.
“Most women deliver during odd hours. We are the same people who work in the operation theatre during the day time, in the birthing centre and again the next day, we have to work in the operation theatre,” said Dr Jampel Tshering, an Anesthesiologist at the JDWNRH.
The mothers who received the epidural service also said that the service is effective in easing the labour pain.
Meanwhile, scientific studies revealed potential side effects of epidural injection like low blood pressure and itchy skin. But anesthesiologists added that there are no such cases being reported at the hospital so far.
Today, the National Referral Hospital is the only hospital that provides epidural service.
Choni Dema