The Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) plans to increase the country’s Corruption Perceptions Index Score by the end of 12th Five Year Plan by implementing the National Integrity and Anti Corruption Strategy 2019-2023 diligently. For now, with a Corruption Perceptions Index Score of 68, Bhutan currently ranks 24th least corrupt country from 180 countries. This is as per the report released by Transparency International, a German non-governmental organization working to combat global corruption.
The National Integrity and Anti Corruption Strategy is a document which provides a comprehensive and holistic perspective on preventing and combating corruption. The strategy is developed by ACC through rigorous consultation with all stakeholders, aligns with the 12th FYP, and ensures greater synergy with the developmental process.
“Our target is to increase the corruption index score to 69 by the end of the 12th FYP and this is also one of the key performance indicators for the 12th National Key Result Areas corruption reduce. To improve the score from 68 to 69, ACC is of the view that there are lots to do especially in terms of making sure that the National Integrity and Anti Corruption strategies are implemented diligently with adequate resources. We also need to deploy technology to fight corruption especially in terms of detecting bribery,” said Rinchen Namgay, the Program Officer with the ACC.
And aware of the roles of Media and Civil Society Organizations (CSO) in promoting accountability, transparency and integrity, the commission also met with the Media fraternity today.
“In contract management and civic engagement, the media and CSOs in Bhutan are little bit nascent and there is much room for media and CSOs to play in terms of fighting corruption and promoting accountability among the public institutions,” he added.
And with the adoption of the ACC’s Media and Communication Policy and Guidelines, the commission ensured to institutionalise regular programs with media such as conferences, briefings, sensitisation and meetings.
For now, Bhutan has significantly improved its rank from 33 in 2012 to 24 today. It has also been continuously placed at 6th position for over nine years among the countries in the Asia Pacific region making Bhutan the cleanest country in the SAARC region.
Passang Dorji