For those interested to take up banking profession will have to undergo a mandatory Certificate in Banking Program soon. The Financial Institutions Training Institute (FITI) launched the Certificate in Banking Program in Thimphu today. Certificate in Banking is a long term modularised flagship program offered for those employees working in financial sectors and for those who aspire to take the banking profession.
Certificate in Banking will help candidates obtain a Diploma in Banking and Post Graduate Diploma in Banking. It will be conducted on regular class attendance basis for two months.
“Certificate in Banking will serve as a foundation course to venture to another two flagship programme of Diploma in Banking and Post Graduate Diploma in Banking. By the end of the two-month course, the successful and qualified candidates will be then qualified to attend another program which is called a Diploma in banking which will take at least another two months. And after completing the Diploma in Banking, they can join a post-graduate diploma in banking which will also take two months. So in 6 months, candidates will have three certificates,” said Sonam Phuntsho, the Head of Training Curriculum Design and Marketing with the FITI.
Until today, like any other organisation, individuals working in various financial sectors were only provided with such training and courses only after they were recruited.
“If you look at the financial sectors in the country, the recruitment is done in such a way that the candidates will learn on their own experiences. Now we are trying to slightly build the human resource capacity of the financial institutions by firstly providing required training to those who are already in the Financial Institutions. Similarly, we are also targeting aspiring candidates who want to join the financial institutions shortly so that they are ready by the time they join the office,” he added.
The program will broadly cover core areas of banking such as business development, customer care, exploring financial markets, communication skills, and essential IT, numerical and accounting skills, and office management. The program was developed in consultation with the financial services providers and reviewed and validated by the Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan. For now, the first batch of 12 candidates from BOBL, T-Bank, and RICBL will attend the program starting from tomorrow.
Passang Dorji